
Hello internet.

I created this blog to promote my writing and to meet you. You will mostly find writing talk here, though I’ve been known to blather about music, movies, and TV. I occasionally climb on a soapbox. You’ll know when your eyes start rolling. Or when you feel compelled to say, “You go, girl!”

My fiction resides in the realm of horror, dark sci-fi, and supernatural. I am hard at work on an as-of-yet untitled novel and post periodic updates, but not at the expense of offering what I hope is entertaining content. Life is a barrel of flying turtles on Clawing at the Keys.

The boilerplate: I write and edit 9-5 in the corporate world, though I unofficially take on freelance editing projects when time permits. I’m equally comfortable editing fiction and non-fiction, and I can shape all manner of business content.

Ciao, baby.


Note: All posts, essays, and stories copyright 2012-2014 by Eric John Baker. The pictures and videos are borrowed from cyberspace, and no rights are implied. Did that sound legalish enough?

Here’s a cool video my late friend Bryan Edmondson made for me:

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